
Helping students reach their potential is about showing them that it’s okay to make mistakes and stumble and that learning can be hard. But, it’s also showing them that you have faith in them, believe in them, and not let them fail. It might feel that way sometimes, but you, as an educator, as their support system, are there to hold them accountable and help them along the way. When students realize that they’re not going to fall anywhere, that there’s a safety net, and that this is not scary, they start pushing themselves. And, you can push them further than they probably let on.
I want so much for my students. I want them to love coming to school every day, and I want them to love learning. I want them to take the experiences, facts, and skills they have learned here and take them out into the world. I want them to see the connections. I want them to see how they’ve changed and grown and apply that to the rest of their lives.

Helping students reach their potential is about showing them that it's okay to make mistakes and stumble and that learning can be hard. But, it's also showing them that you have faith in them, believe in them, and not let them fail.