Spinella Prize Awarded to Two KO Musicians - Kingswood Oxford

Creative Arts News

May 30, 2024

Spinella Prize Awarded to Two KO Musicians

KO musicians Alex Gumkowski ‘26 and Sarah Balog ‘27 were awarded the Spinella Prize, given to a student(s) who will take risks and challenge themselves to their limits while being kind, sensitive, and passionate. 


The award honors Joseph Spinella, class of ‘97, a talented drummer and artist who loved life and embodied the Kingswood Oxford core values of honesty, integrity, respect, and caring beyond self. Spinella pushed himself to improve as a human being daily and was never afraid to take a risk or a chance to see what he could learn from an experience. He passed away suddenly of a brain aneurysm in the spring of 2016. In honor of their son’s love and passion for music, the Spinella’s developed the Spinella Prize, which supports a Kingswood Oxford student(s) looking to increase their own knowledge and abilities as a performer.

Congratulations to Alex and Sarah!

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