Varsity Field Hockey vs Miss Porter's School - Away - Kingswood Oxford

Varsity Field Hockey vs Miss Porter’s School – Away

V Field Hockey

KOFH lost 0-7 against Miss Porter’s at the Season Opener.

Porter’s came out strong with 5 goals scored by their Senior Captain in the first two quarters. KO was able to adjust the defense in the second half and hold Porter’s to 2 goals. All players got playing time. The game is a great learning experience for everyone and we look forward to grow from this.

KO: 0 – Miss Porter’s School: 7
Location: Miss Porter’s School
Directions: Continue on I-84 to Farmington

Event Details

  • Date: Wednesday September 14, 2022
  • Time: 2:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Loss- KO: 0 - Miss Porter's School: 7