Ice Hockey - Varsity vs South Kent School - Home - Kingswood Oxford

Ice Hockey – Varsity vs South Kent School – Home

Varsity Ice Hockey

 Despite outshooting South Kent 53-16 ,  dominating puck possession, and time-in-zone on the ice, the KO Boys Ice Hockey team lost 2-1 to South Kent Wednesday afternoon.

Garth Swanson ‘19 scored KO’d only goal got KO on a back door play, assisted by Keifer Jaffee ‘21 (Watkinson), Karsten Lang ‘21 and Colin Regan ‘18.

KO: 1 – South Kent School: 2
Location: Newington Arena

Event Details

  • Date: Wednesday January 10, 2018
  • Time: 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Loss- KO: 1 - South Kent School: 2