Golf - Varsity vs Kent School, Taft School - Away - Kingswood Oxford

Golf – Varsity vs Kent School, Taft School – Away

Varsity Golf

Despite a slight improvement from last week’s scores, the Wyvern linksters finished behind two Founders League opponents at a rain soaked Watertown GC.

Henry Krieble’21 led the way with a fine two over par 38, followed by James Amenta’19’s 43.  The rest of the team failed to break the bogey golf line resulting in a team score of 226.  The team looks forward to sunnier skies and drier fairways as they take on Hamden Hall, Berkshire, and Williston to end the week.

KO: 226 – Kent School: 217
KO: 226 – Taft School: 194
Location: Watertown Golf Club

Event Details

  • Date: Wednesday April 25, 2018
  • Time: 2:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Loss- KO: 226 - Kent School: 217
Loss- KO: 226 - Taft School: 194