Basketball - Boys Varsity vs St. George's School - Away - Kingswood Oxford

Basketball – Boys Varsity vs St. George’s School – Away

Boys Varsity Basketball

The KO boys varsity basketball team played St. Georges School Saturday Feb. 3.

They took the win 67-55. Jackson Wolff ‘20 benefited the team immensely with 17 points. Nick Casiano ‘18 also contributed to the win with 25 points. Sean James ‘19 came back with great stops on defense and key offensive looks. The boys held their own the whole game keeping a pretty consistent 10 point lead.

KO: 67 – St. George’s School: 55
Location: St. George’s School
Directions: Get on RI-138 E in North Kingstown from CT-138 E, RI-165 E, RI-102 N and RI-4 S

Event Details

  • Date: Saturday February 3, 2018
  • Time: 2:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Win- KO: 67 - St. George's School: 55