Clubs & Activities
Expand Your Horizons with KO's Clubs & Activties
What a Difference Clubs & Activities Make
All students participate in Kingswood Oxfordā€™s many faculty-mentored clubs and activities which keep things interesting and lively on campus! Beyond that, Kingswood Oxford’s clubs and activities teach leadership and problem-solving skills, as well as enhance our already-strong sense of community service and participation. Have an idea for a club that’s not already established? Go for it! There’s always a way to make our community even more vibrant.
In the student clubs, there’s a sense of initiative,
spirit, and activism
that’s infectious.

There's something for everyone!
Here are a few club favorites of the KO community:
epic: epic is Kingswood Oxfordā€™s arts and literary magazine, created entirely by students. Not only do they submit art, photography, poetry, and prose for publication, but students serve as editors, as well as plan, organize, produce, and market each edition. The epic team also hosts an annual Coffee House, an evening of music, readings, and food for Kingswood Oxford students. Learn more about epic!
Forensic Union: Kingswood Oxfordā€™s debate and public speaking team is popular with students. Each year approximately 70 students attend weekly meetings and prepare to compete in local, national, and international debates ā€” including the World Debate Championships. Just this past year, two students made it to Worlds. Very impressive! A member of the Debating Association of New England Independent Schools, Kingswood Oxford competes in 14 debates or tournaments per year, and hosts its own each February. And did we mention they serve pizza at the meetings?
Mock Trial: Interested in a legal career or just testing your analytical skills? Then join Mock Trial, which works on hypothetical legal cases developed by Civics First. You’ll compete against high schools across the state. In 2022, KO won the state title for Mock Trial in 2022 and was declared co-winner in 2020!
Model UN:Ā Participating in Model U.N. provides students with a forum to apply the academic content and skills they have learned in the classroom, hone their public speaking and debate skills, meet other intellectually motivated students from around the world, and learn from world-renowned experts.
Students submit an essay to apply for a spot on the Kingswood Oxford team. Team members meet weekly to prepare for the Model UN Conference at Yale University, where theyā€™ve won top awards for 14 consecutive years!
Power of Women: The POW Club, the largest club on campus, is for female-identifying KO students from Upper Prep to Form 6, moms/guardians, and alumni. The group works to connect women in the KO community with students to develop authentic and engaging dialogue around women’s leadership and empowerment issues. The group hosts several events throughout the year, organizes drives, and publishes a monthly newsletter. Learn more.
KO News:Ā As the campus newspaper, KO NewsĀ serves as a forum for news and open expression. Under the guidance of a faculty leader, students write, edit, and lay out each issue.Ā
“I joined so many clubs and found so many new interests. I was able to figure out how to manage my time and how to connect with other people, and so I think that really pushed me to become the best version of myself at KO.”
ā€” Diya, junior
Jump Right In!
1080s Computer Club

ARCH (Architecture Radically Changes Hearts)

Activism Club

Attorneys of the Future

Aviation Club

Badminton Club

Beatmaking Club

Biology Club

Black Student Alliance

Book Club

Business Club

Chess Club

Chinese Chess Club

Chinese Culture Club

Crafting Club

Cybersecurity Club

Dance Club

Engineering Club


Film Club

First Take

Fishing Club

Forensic Union

Green Team

Gender Sexuality Alliance

Health Ambassadors

Investment Club

KO Health Organizations

KO News

KO Music Appreciation Club

KOmmunity Service Club

Letters for Hope

Math Club

Mental Health Awareness

Mock Trial

Model U.N.

One Love

Orange is the New Grey

Philosophy Club

Power of Women (POW)

Roll Initiative (Dungeons & Dragons Club)

Ski/Snowboarding Club

Strings Club

Table Top Games Club

Team Tobati

thread Magazine

UFC (Ultimate Frisbee Club)

Wiffle Ball Club

World War II History Club