Leadership Program - Kingswood Oxford

Leadership Program

We value character as much as academic, athletic, and artistic achievement.

Character development is not an after-thought here; it’s an ever-present thought—supported by sequential social-emotional programs that help kids find balance and be well adjusted. Good character is taught every day and it is also modeled—by teachers and by students—as we all partner in our learning.


Students explore their capacity for leadership and discover what it means to be an effective leader. There are abundant opportunities to practice: traditional roles like team captain, club founder, and student government representative are direct pathways to understanding collaborative dynamics. Less titular roles, like taking the lead in a class discussion or standing up for someone who needs an advocate, are equally meaningful ways of demonstrating what it means to inspire.



KO students are also good neighbors—proud to be a part of and proactively serve their local community. KO students make an impact in ways they never imagined as they become more self-aware and their capacity for compassion increases.


Whether you’re a born leader or your leadership qualities need a little coaxing, every KO student is given the tools to be a passionate and active global citizen, making a difference wherever and whenever they see a need.


Every Student Can Be a Leader.

Program Highlights:

  • The VQV (Vincit Qui Se Vincit) Program is a year-long Upper School curriculum that supports students as they consider the impact of their choices and identify their personal leadership style.

  • Leadership opportunities are enlivened daily on and off campus and through The Margaret E. and Henry R. Roberts Center for Leadership. 

  • Middle School students can apply for the self-selecting Student Leadership Council, where they workshop civil discourse exercises, journal about their leadership experiences, and meet once a week with Upper School students who serve in a leadership capacity at the school.


” KO has made me think and feel that no matter who you are, you always have the chance to grow and be a leader. No matter where you come from, you always have opportunities, and you can find the best version of yourself. And, as you better yourself, you can better others in the process.”

Mason, senior

The Margaret E. & Henry R. Roberts Center for Leadership

Harnessing Values and Vision for Leadership Development


Through the Margaret E. and Henry R. Roberts Center for Leadership, Kingswood Oxford is dedicated to helping all students develop their own unique ability to lead and make a difference. In a world where rapid change regularly defines the future, our students need to be equipped with the mindset, tools, and experiences to pursue and achieve their individual goals. KO accomplishes this mission by fostering students’ global perspective, service orientation, and skills of teamwork, leadership, and communication.